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Effective January 18th 2018 India will accept professional equipment on an ATA Carnet. Examples include equipment meant for press/media, television broadcasting, sporting events and equipment for testing, measuring or calibration. The expansion of acceptance is based on Indian national laws and regulations: Notification No. 4/2018. The notice lists a detailed schedule of the permissible equipment. Until now, India has only accepted goods with the intended use of Exhibitions and Fairs. Commercial Samples are still not allowed into India under ATA Carnet.
Note that the entry of professional equipment under ATA Carnet to India will be limited to 2 months with a possible extension for an additional 2 months. However, the extension must be obtained from Indian customs PRIOR to the expiration of the original period. Goods with the intended use of Exhibitions and Fairs are still allowed for a period of 6 months.
Boomerang carnets'® President, Curt Wilson, eagerly commented, "We are not only pleased for the benefit this will provide to U.S. carnet users but relieved that the process for getting professional equipment into India will be less time-consuming and risky. This takes a big burden off our Carnet Specialists and our customers. We are grateful to have the help of FICCI, the Indian national guaranteeing association, to help effect this expanded acceptance of ATA Carnet into India. Thanks also to the U.S. national guaranteeing association, U.S.C.I.B., for the detailed explanation of the change so we can properly advise our clients how to proceed under the new regulation."
For more information contact a Carnet Specialist at the Carnet HelpLine®: 800.ATA.2900 or 800.282.2900.