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Boomerang carnets® is your single supplier. Our central location services your ATA Carnet needs nationwide and can fulfill all your ATA Carnet application requirements. Apply online for convenience, speed and low cost.
ATA Carnets to and through over 87 countries and territories.
ATA Carnet bonds.
Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Carnet Document Warranties (A boomerang carnets® exclusive.)
Not only can we handle your routine ATA Carnet processing but we can also help when your special export requirements get more complex and demanding. Our only business is ATA Carnets. We specialize in being the BEST at what we do!
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. In a rush? In a bind? Boomerang carnets® is available to get the job done to your satisfaction. Even if you are abroad and require our assistance we provide an AT&T International toll-free number at 00 800 4CARNETS.
Boomerang carnets® has the experience and skill to simplify the sometimes complex ATA Carnet, foreign and U.S. Customs regulations. International documentation can be a minefield and frequently subject to interpretation. Boomerang carnets® puts extensive staff experience and a vast information database to work for you.
Boomerang carnets® is a valued Service Provider for the United States Council for International Business, the U. S. Affiliate of the Paris-based, International Chamber of Commerce.
Boomerang carnets® is a licensed insurance broker/agent and represents international insurance markets including Lloyd's of London, the Institute of London Underwriters and Travelers.
Boomerang carnets® has quality controls to assure that your documents are accurate. We combine automation with a thorough review process for accuracy.
Boomerang carnets® is committed to making your international business travel preparations as simple and accessible as possible. Boomerang carnets® was the first to have an online application accessible with a single click of your mouse from this Web site. Boomerang carnets® was the first to provide an electronic Carnet application process using in-house developed, proprietary software.
During the one-year term of your Carnet, updates and changes can be easily made electronically to reduce the time and effort it takes to keep your Carnet documents current. For more information on the benefits of electronic processing click here.
The ATA Carnet, the required Carnet bond is available from one source.
Use our toll-free Carnet HelpLine® 1(800)ATA-2900 | 1(800)282-2900 for answers to your questions.
Use your credit card to make payment and to simplify billing. With same-day service, expedited delivery and extended hours of operation, boomerang carnets® makes international business convenient and efficient.
Boomerang carnets® does more than just prepare your documents. Issuing accurate ATA Carnets is the easiest part of the job. Our challenge is to provide customer service and ongoing communication with our clients. This includes responding while you are overseas regardless of your time zone.
Our after-hours voice messaging system always provides an emergency telephone number in the event of a problem overseas. The Carnet HelpLine® at 1(800) ATA-2900 | 1(800)282-2900 is accessible from anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. And the AT&T International Carnet HelpLine® at 00 800 4CARNETS can be accessed worldwide.
We strive for 100% satisfaction in customer service and processing performance. We hire and train ATA Carnet professionals and that is one of the keys to boomerang carnets®' service success. In addition to the 100 years of combined experience of the management team, all boomerang carnets® professionals undergo rigorous training and are required to keep current on all ATA Carnet information and changes to the ATA Carnet system.
Boomerang carnets® staff wants to say YES to your requests. Our staff are trained to help you solve problems with a positive, swift solution. And we give them the resources to do so.
Boomerang carnets® has competitive rates. We provide this premium level of service at prices that no other Service Provider can beat. We offer incentives and rewards for doing business with boomerang carnets® and to add value to our service. Our rush processing, same-day service, VAT information database, extended hours and quality control all enable travelers to make sales, marketing and promotional trips that would be much more costly without the ATA Carnet. Boomerang carnets® offers free services such as online Carnet applications using Carnets-by-Internet®, toll-free customer service lines, and Online Carnet Reports.