Locations 2013 Report
The Directory, Facebook, Carnet News
International Film Commission Carnet Directory GrowsWelcome, to the 7 newly-linked film commissions on the
International Film Commission Carnet Directory, following the afci Locations 2013 show:
Cine Tirol Film Commission, Nunavut Film Development Corporation, Oresund Film Commission/Copenhagen, Saarland Film GmbH, Cape Film Commission, Zulu Coast Film Office and Oresund Film Commission - Southern Sweden. The new the total of linked international film commissions is now 70.
afci Locations 2013 Exhibitor PhotosSee Peggy's
Facebook album honoring many exhibitors from
carnet countries at the show. Thank you for your hospitality.
Same-Day Carnets Available for US Producers and Crews. Boomerang carnetsĀ®' newest
same-day office for US carnets is in New York City -
Midtown Manhattan. The new office targets the many crews that fly out of New York to foreign destinations to shoot.
Peggy Rupp
Marketing Assistant
Carnet Ambassador