Get a UK Carnet
Boomerang carnets® routinely offers information about the uses and benefits of the ATA Carnet to businesses seeking to expand into international markets. ATA Carnets are unified customs documents that have become known to many industries and individuals, who are temporarily exporting goods, merchandise, or equipment, as lifesavers. They are also known as the “merchandise passport” whose benefits include saving time and money. Carnets are flexible and can be used for multiple trips to multiple countries and are valid for up to a year. Lifesavers because when merchandise moves in and out of a country, it is subject to import-taxes and customs fees based on value. Without an ATA Carnet, the import-duty, -tax and fees can exclude any-sized budget from making the trip worthwhile. Trade is invaluable to economic growth and stability. It can turn a local business into an international business, and significantly increase revenue from those new markets. The company brand gains increased exposure which can translate into even more growth both domestically and internationally. The ATA Carnet is the ticket in.
During our 30+ years of being in business, we have been invited in by companies wanting to know about the benefits of ATA Carnets; from multi-national corporations to SMEs to training centers interested in learning how ATA Carnets work. In any Webinar, we address the nuts and bolts of what they are, who can use them, how they can be used, as well as how to leverage valuable tips we have acquired over the years. The ATA Carnet is an internationally accepted customs document for the temporary import/export of goods which include commercial samples, professional equipment, and goods for exhibitions and fairs. The carnet provides significant savings of import-duty and -tax. Its uses are many and varied. Also known as a “passport for goods,” ATA Carnets are one of the best kept secrets for expanding the global footprint of companies in most industries. For example, the ATA Carnet allows film & television crews to take valuable cameras and equipment back and forth across borders on international shoots; engineering machinery and tools used in construction can do a job in, for instance, Mexico, and return to its country of origin after the job is done; a life-saving medical device can move in and out of a country with ease where it is urgently needed; art can travel the world on exhibition.
Boomerang’s ATA Carnet Webinars are informative and engaging —they give people what they need to know about carnets, how to use them, how easy it is to apply for them, and how economical they can be. The result of their use can be profitable for a company seeking to expand their business, keep their business moving forward, and for a business with a hunger for growth.
Boomerang carnets® is here to help. To learn more, please check out boomerang carnets® YouTube channel. If you see an ATA Carnet in your future, call our Carnet HelpLine® 1(800)ATA-2900 | 1(800)282-2900, our expert team will be happy to assist you.