Get a UK Carnet
At boomerang carnets®, a key part of our mission is to raise awareness about the benefits of the ATA Carnet for temporary exports. Through webinars, training sessions, symposiums, trade shows, and exhibitions, we equip exporters and innovators with the knowledge they need to expand globally by leveraging the cost-effective and seamless temporary exportation of their goods, merchandise, and equipment with the use of the ATA Carnet.
Recently, Kimberly Peicker, Program Manager at the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), was highly impressed by an ATA Carnet webinar we presented. She was particularly “wowed” by the expertise and presentation skills of Keil Ursin, Carnet Specialist at boomerang carnets. Her enthusiasm led to an immediate invitation for him to speak at AUVSI’s inaugural XPONENTIAL EU 2025, a premiere international trade fair for uncrewed systems and robotics, held February 18–20 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
It was an honor to be invited to the launch of the first XPONENTIAL Europe! It proved to be a momentous event and drew robotics and uncrewed vehicle systems businesses and innovators from over 65 countries.
Our presentation, “Taking Demo Equipment, Prototypes, and Samples Abroad with the Merchandise Passport—Clear Customs Duty Free, Tax Free, Globally,” took center stage on the first day of the expo in the Innovation Theater, a forum designed to showcase emerging technologies and facilitate dialogue among industry experts, investors, and end users.
Boomerang Carnets’ Customer Showcases Innovation on XPO Exhibit Floor
Lucas Burkholder, Associate Business Development Analyst at Areté, holding an ATA Carnet at the Areté XPO exhibit booth. “It was great to connect with an active carnet user and customer!” said Kiel. “I’ve had some great conversations—it was so good to meet a U.S. exhibitor using our carnet!”
Also pictured is Jay F. Rouse, Areté’s Director of Business Development. During their exchange, Kiel noted that Areté was surprised to learn ATA Carnets can also be used for hand-carried shipments. For this event, they used a Carnet4Cargo with the expertise of a freight forwarder. Either way, hand-carrying your goods, equipment or merchandise or using a freight forwarder, choosing a carnet as your temporary export method ensures a smooth and efficient exhibit setup that saves time.
“It was great seeing them!” Kiel added. “They were very appreciative that we stopped by and already have another upcoming venture where they plan to use a carnet.”
ATA Carnets continue to prove their value in facilitating seamless temporary exports for businesses like Areté.
Curt E.H. Wilson, President and CEO, boomerang carnets, also attended XPONENTIAL Europe. “Kiel did a great job speaking about the built-in benefits of the ATA Carnet to a very appreciative audience and it was exciting to be there to meet and speak with leading technology businesses and start-ups about growing their businesses and innovations globally with an ATA Carnet.”
The ATA Carnet allows for cross-border movement of your temporarily exported goods import-duty and -tax free in and out of 90+ carnet countries and territories for up to a year. As a global leader in carnet services, we remain committed to empowering businesses with the tools and expertise needed to navigate international trade and grow their businesses and enterprises with confidence.
It Matters Where You Get Your Carnet
Based on 1,192 Trustpilot reviews we are rated 5 stars – Excellent.
Boomerang’s Carnet Specialists provide expert customer service. We are here to assist you 24/7, just call the Carnet HelpLine® 1-800-ATA-2900 |1-800-282-2900 or email us.
Ask about our new Boomerang Freight® Solutions service when you call or email us.
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