Get a UK Carnet
Boomerang carnets® serves any size or type of company, including individuals, by providing ATA Carnets for Professional Equipment, Commercial Samples, and goods for display at Exhibitions & Fairs. ATA Carnets ease Customs clearance across international borders while avoiding payment of import-duty and -tax. These same companies often use ATA Carnets for one or more of those purposes over a period of years, even decades, saving thousands and, in many cases, millions of dollars. One such company invents and manufactures energy generators. They have been a Boomerang carnet user since 2003 taking full advantage of ATA Carnet’s benefits in three diverse ways, in three different departments, all under one roof that help grow, develop, and define their business.
The ATA Carnet is an internationally accepted customs document for temporarily exported merchandise or goods. It allows cross border movement of those goods import-duty and -tax free into 87+ carnet countries and territories for up to a year. The ATA Carnet is known as the Merchandise Passport for boomerang freight® and ideal for Professional Equipment, Commercial Samples, and goods for display at Exhibitions and Trade Shows moving in and out of countries.
ATA Carnets are used by this energy company to:
GROW (SALES) by sending sample generators to prospective customers in foreign markets for demonstration in the customer’s own environment. Integrating innovative technology is a considerable investment, people want to see it in action on their own soil. ATA Carnets make this affordable. Demos often seal a deal to a signed sales contract.
DEVELOP (MAINTENANCE & RESEARCH) by sending diagnostic and testing equipment to examine and evaluate generators in use. This helps maintain accurate data readings, capture data for product development, and prevent malfunctions. Onsite customer service for foreign customers is affordable with ATA Carnets.
DEFINE (MARKETING & COMMUNICATION) by sending a camera crew to take footage of their generators wherever they are in the world. This energy company’s film department routinely captures footage of their products in use throughout the world for in-house and marketing purposes. ATA Carnets make that affordable.
Chief Financial Officers should analyze the carnet as a financial management tool and take advantage of its cost saving features across departments involved in international sales, service, trade, travel, and exhibitions. If you are interested in growing, developing, and defining your business into international markets, call us. Boomerang’s Carnet Specialists offer expert customer service and are here to assist you 24/7. Just call the Carnet HelpLine® 1-800-ATA-2900 |1-800-282-2900 or email us. Also, if you want to ship by cargo, Boomerang has freight forwarder partners who can deliver your carnet to you, as well as handle your freight. For ATA Carnet news and updates subscribe to our eNewsletter: Exportise
It matters where you get your carnets.