Get a UK Carnet
The most significant change from December of 2018 is the timing of Brexit. It is now scheduled for Halloween, October 31, 2019. That is assuming that a "Brexiteer" is selected as Prime Minister following Theresa May's resignation and/or the U.K. doesn't make a deal with the E.U. Boomerang carnets is ready to support U.S.ATA Carnet users, new and existing, with guidance (below) and the Brexit Carnet (for U.K. exporters) if needed. More on Brexit jargon, hard and soft.
To aid in planning for post-Brexit carnet use, a guide has been published. The guide helps carnet users add up the number of certificates they will need to request when ordering a carnet for Europe. While additional certificates can be ordered after the carnet has been issued and is in use, it can save money to anticipate what will be needed.
In a nutshell, the U.K. will be treated like Norway and Switzerland when processing a carnet application. When traveling between any of these three countries (non-E.U. members) and the E.U., carnets will need to be validated: stamped and signed in and out.
Each round-trip (entry and exit) requires a certificate set consisting of a counterfoil and voucher. A carnet is issued with up to 4 sets included in the cost. Additional sets can be ordered when the carnet is applied for and while the carnet is in use.
Questions can be directed to a Carnet Specialist at the Carnet HelpLine: 800.ATA.2900 or via email. To get periodic updates about Brexit and ATA Carnets, subscribe to our eNewsletter: Exportise.