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Mexico Joins ATA Carnet System as of May 16, 2011: Most Highly-Desired Country Finally Aboard

May 10, 2011

Mexico joins the worldwide ATA Carnet system this month, filling a significant void in the international chain of  countries that has existed since the implementation of the ATA Carnet system in 1965. As a major U.S. trading partner, this 71st addition to the carnet system will be particularly important to U.S. and Mexican businesses looking to expand their cross-border business. The ATA Carnet export document promotes trade between countries by eliminating payment of import duties and taxes on temporarily imported goods. Mexico is the second Latin American country to join the carnet system. Chile became a member in 2008.


Barrington, IL May 4, 2011 – Following years of suspense, the Mexican Customs administration (SAT – Servicio de Administracion Tributaria) has appointed CANACO (the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce) as the national guaranteeing and issuing organization for ATA Carnets in Mexico. As a result the International Chamber of Commerce and the ATA Secretariat have announced that Mexico will begin accepting and issuing carnets as of May 16th, 2011.

The appointment was a major step forward towards the effective acceptance of ATA Carnets in Mexico, one of the priority target countries for the network of affiliated members. CANACO has now completed the remaining formalities for its affiliation to the international ATA Carnet Guarantee Chain.

The ATA Carnet is an international Customs document which allows the duty and tax-free temporary import and export of goods traded internationally: professional equipment, commercial samples and goods for fairs and exhibitions. Over 150,000 Carnets are issued worldwide for goods valued at US$17 billion. Often referred to as β€œThe Merchandise Passport,” ATA Carnets are currently accepted in 87 countries and territories throughout the world.

The ATA chain, administered by the ICC World Chambers Federation comprises chambers and business organizations that have been appointed by their national Customs authority to issue and guarantee Carnets.