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Mexico Carnet Transit Certificate Update
Since Mexican Customs does not allow transit operations under carnet at this time, it is important to plan carefully when transporting goods in and out of Mexico using a carnet. It is advised that carnet users consult with a boomerang carnetsĀ® Carnet Specialist or call the Carnet HelplineĀ® (800)282-2900 prior to finailizing transportation methods, routes and details to ensure smooth clearance through Mexican customs during your trip. For example, instances where the modes of transport in and out of Mexico differ may be considered transit operations and may not be allowed under carnet. An example would be an air shipment from LAX into Mexico City with a return land shipment from Mexico City to Los Angeles via Nuevo Laredo. This routing could be considered a transit operation and may not be permitted. As reported in a previous Advisory, there are 10 Mexican ports that can process carnets in Mexico at this time. Transportation routes should take into account that carnets will only be accepted at those 10 ports.