Boomerang Carnets Visits Poland Carnet Office
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Boomerang Carnets Visits Poland Carnet Office

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

L to R: Monika Jadeszko, Aleksandra Lowicz, Ewa Stanczyk, Laura SzulcPolish flag on outline of PolandCarnet Specialist Monika Jadeszko visited the ATA Carnet Polish national guaranteeing association, the Polish Chamber of Commerce, this summer and exchanged carnet issuing experiences with their carnet specialists. Boomerang carnets®' Carnet Specialists visit foreign carnet issuing offices to build relationships and rapport. Those relationships can be important when a U.S. carnet user is abroad and needs localized customer service.

Greetings to Aleksandra, Laura and Ewa in the Legalization, Certification and ATA Carnet Bureau at the Polish Chamber of Commerce. We hope to add a Polish ATA Carnet Specialist to the LinkedIn Carnet User & Discussion Group for the benefit of worldwide carnet users traveling to Poland.

Photo L to R: Monika Jadeszko, Carnet Specialist, boomerang carnets®, Aleksandra Lowicz, ATA Carnet Division Manager, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Ewa Stanczyk, ATA Carnet Division - Polish Chamber of Commerce, Laura Szulc, Specialist, ATA Carnet Division - Polish Chamber of Commerce.