What is a Carnet? Video Now Available
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What is a Carnet? Video Now Available

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The first educational video for American use, explaining "What is a Carnet?" has just been published. Boomerang carnets® created the video based on the ATACarnet.com web page, "What is a Carnet?"

Cover Slide of What is a Carnet Image?The video was produced to help businesses and individuals quickly understand:

  • what a carnet is,
  • what the benefits are and,
  • how it works.

The video is intended to be an introduction to the international temporary import-export document.

"One of the biggest challenges in expanding the use of carnets is that many people have never heard of a carnet and the word has no meaning in English. Providing an audio-visual tool is one way we hope to reach more organizations that might benefit from using a carnet. Since many people begin their research into ATA Carnets using a search engine, it made sense to provide a video tool that could be easily found and played back online" commented Curt Wilson, President.

The creation of the video was a joint effort between the boomerang carnets® marketing, customer service and IT departments. Dana Gordon, a boomerang  carnets®, Carnet Assistant in the Customer Service and Sales Department, was selected to do the audio voiceover.

"What is a Carnet?" is the first of several videos that boomerang carnets® plans to produce.The next one will be "How to Apply for a Carnet." The expected publish date of the next video is June 1, 2013.