Prior to logging in, gather this information to prepare to apply online.
Purpose for which your merchandise or equipment is being temporarily imported to another country(ies).
EIN or Taxpayer Identification Number.
Name(s) of individual(s) responsible for carnet documents while en route. These are the "Authorized Representatives" and would include any persons or entities that would be presenting your Carnet to customs.
List of countries the goods will be transiting. That is, countries that are being passed through en route to a destination.
Outbound and inbound anticipated modes of transportation.
Complete the list of merchandise or equipment that will be traveling (including model and serial numbers if applicable). List should include detailed descriptions including model and serial numbers, quantity, value, weight and country of origin. Note: If you have the list of items in an electronic record (Excel or database) call for details on how we can import your list of items saving you all the re-entry time.
Visa, American Express or MasterCard number and expiration date unless you are going to pay by ACH or wire transfer. You will not be billed until the carnet is issued however. The application does not review fees. For an estimate of carnet cost see the Carnet Budget Worksheet.