Get a UK Carnet
Boomerang carnets® wants to help your business grow. We can provide solutions to accommodate free movement globally to expand your business. Whether you are an individual, a small or medium-sized enterprise, a Fortune 500 company, a not-for-profit, a freight forwarder or a humanitarian relief effort – you will find ATA Carnets are easy to use and can stimulate your company’s growth internationally. Our current situations have all been suddenly altered because of the pandemic changing the way we conduct business. It is of vital importance to find new ways forward to survive and thrive.
We appreciate and recognize all our customers continuing to utilize carnets to facilitate business globally and for their tremendous response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to highlight one of our clients, Matternet, Inc., a company that develops unmanned aerial transportation systems, who is using drones to help COVID relief efforts including delivering prescriptions to one of the largest retirement communities in the U.S. They are looking to facilitate thousands of deliveries each month. Their drone delivery program for hospitals is used to transport COVID-19 test samples, PPE, and other kinds of healthcare equipment.
Matternet has used carnets to demo and test drone technology in the global market. They utilize carnets to ship drone systems to foreign countries while avoiding payment of import-duty and -tax. As a result, today in Switzerland their drones are used for transporting samples between hospitals, labs, and universities. Our client can help with a global pandemic because of the easy entry and exit of the goods across foreign borders.
Moving into a new international market presents key challenges that should be considered ahead of time such as barriers in language, culture, customs, as well as compliance and regulatory complexities. Most important in planning your way forward is to create a winning strategy for your company.
Review your company. Ask yourself if you are suited to success in international markets. Will it take away from your core business or provide additional opportunity? Is there a need in the market for what you are offering?
Research the industry by looking at the countries that need your services or product and find out if there are opportunities opening as the result of the many Free Trade Agreements. What countries are open to trade? What countries need your services?
It is possible to penetrate a global market without a hefty cost, but you must be ready financially once the market presents itself. Due diligence is essential to your growth. Set specific goals, define initiatives, assess your resources, then formulate a timeline and move ahead.
The ATA Carnet is one of the tools that can open the door toward taking full advantage of FTAs and assist your company in this expansion. The ATA Carnet is an internationally accepted customs document for the temporary import/export of goods. Its many benefits have assisted companies expand into new global markets with ease and economy. There could not be a better time to familiarize yourself with ATA Carnets because the benefit it is known best for is the avoidance of import-duty and -tax on your temporarily imported goods and merchandise, saving you money.
We are here to help. View webinar recordings, Leading Through Crisis Part 1, 2, or 3, by contacting Monika Jadeszko. We value our customers and recognize the challenges of the day. Boomerang carnets® is here to answer any of your questions and assist you with your business needs. ATA Carnets are a valuable tool to grow your business and expand globally.