Carnet "How To" Videos Now Online
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Carnet "How To" Videos Now Online

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Making Carnets Easy," a series of short "how to" videos, are now available online. These five, quick instructional videos are the first ever produced to explain how to use the ATA Carnet from initial activation through return of the carnet.

Following the written instructions on the inside of the U.S. carnet jacket, the videos describe each step in the process of using a carnet. The process is clearly explained and on-screen animation illustrates where and how to complete the forms. The speaker, on-screen veteran Moira Wilson, also translates carnet-specific terminology into easily understood directions.

The videos are intended for new users applying for a carnet, to view upon receipt of their carnet and prior to departure, for training Customs and Border Protection personnel and for export compliance managers to train their teams.

The five videos in the "Making Carnets Easy" library mirror the sections in the carnet jacket and are titled:

  1. Checklist Upon Receiving Your Carnet
  2. Clearing U.S. Customs
  3. Clearing Foreign Customs
  4. Transiting a Country
  5. Return to the U.S.


"Proper use of the carnet is so important for first-time users since it determines whether they have a positive experience or not," remarks Curt Wilson, President & CEO of boomerang carnets®. "It also reduces the risk of improper use resulting in a claim which can be time consuming to rectify. This benefit is greatly appreciated by our compliance-focused users."

The videos are available on our website as well as on YouTube. Scanning the QR Code makes it easy to view them on a mobile device on the way to the airport, while transiting or while entering or departing a carnet country.