Get a UK Carnet
U.K. customs has a new procedure in place when presenting original and replacement Carnets for validation. Replacement carnets are the carnet documents that allow goods entered under carnet to remain in the country past the original expiration date. This new procedure is the result of U.K. customs ongoing effort to go paperless which is not yet possible with the ATA Carnet document. The new procedure requires 1) a Scanning Exception letter and 2) delivery by courier of the replacement and original carnets to a specific carnet unit within U.K. customs.
Due to efforts to convert to a paperless environment, unless accompanied by a Scanning Exception letter, all paper documents received by post at U.K. customs will be forwarded to a different location to be digitally scanned. This is to be avoided in the case of ATA Carnets.To ensure Carnets are not scanned but are directed to the appropriate unit for validation, there are certain steps to follow which your ATA Carnet Service Provider, boomerang carnets®, will advise you of at the time you apply for a replacement for the U.K.
Please contact a Carnet Specialist at the Carnet HelpLine®, (800) ATA-2900 / (800) 282-2900, for additional information and if you are planning apply for a replacement carnet to the United Kingdom..
If you experience any problems or have questions about this update please contact the boomerang carnets® Carnet HelpLine® at (800) ATA-2900 / (800) 282-2900 or e-mail us.